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Calculate the incubation time for pheasants and partridges - © Tino Bellmann

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Pheasant / partridge breeding process starts on:

Automatic egg-turning

Details / Comments for this breeding process:

Type in the amount and type of pheasant / partridge eggs

The breeding of the pheasant / partridge starts on Wednesday, January 22nd 2025

Day+Day-DateTo Do
If you have fertilized pheasant eggs, leave them untouched for one day. Recommended environment temperature is 20 centigrade. Store them with soft rounded end up and pointed end down.
024Wednesday, January 22nd 2025Start the incubation process: Clean and disinfect the breeding machine. Fill in the water. Set the incubator's relative humidity to 65% RH. Clean the fertilized pheasant breeding eggs, put them into the incubator and mark them if needed. Increase the temperature in the incubator slowly (!!) to 37.6 centigrade. (99.7 Deg.Fahrenheit).
123Thursday, January 23rd 2025Keep the breeder closed. Do not open. Don't turn the pheasant eggs!
222Friday, January 24th 2025Keep the breeder closed. Do not open. Don't turn the pheasant eggs!
321Saturday, January 25th 2025Keep the breeder closed. Do not open. Don't turn the pheasant eggs!
420Sunday, January 26th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
519Monday, January 27th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
618Tuesday, January 28th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
717Wednesday, January 29th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
816Thursday, January 30th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
915Friday, January 31st 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions.
1014Saturday, February 1st 2025First examination of eggs. Take a special kind of lamp to check the fertilization. The little embryo casts a shadow.
Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
1410Wednesday, February 5th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
177Saturday, February 8th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
186Sunday, February 9th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
195Monday, February 10th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
204Tuesday, February 11th 2025Turn the pheasant eggs 3 to 4 times a day in different directions. Open the breeding machine for 15 minutes to cool the pheasant eggs down. Take a sprayer bottle with hand warmed water to moist the pheasant eggs. Close the incubator. Check the water level in the incubator and refill if needed.
213Wednesday, February 12th 2025Second examination of eggs. The duck embryo fills the egg now. If the egg is not dark, it is not fertilized. Only the air chamber is still white.
Put the pheasant eggs on a hatching pad.
Stop turning the eggs. Set temperature to 37.4 centigrade.
Increase humidity to 70% RH and more. Don't open the incubator anymore.
231Friday, February 14th 2025Be prepared to welcome the new-born pheasant chickens. Do you have a bird chick brooder, a heater or a heating lamp, special chicks food, water, poultry drinker for chicks...?
240Saturday, February 15th 2025Pheasant chick's hatching day!
End of incubation.
Leave the little chicks in the incubator for a day (optional). Attention: Incubation can take some days longer.